My name is Mattias ”Matt” Åbom and my callsign is SM6YEC (SM6POTA). I live in the countryside on the Onsala Peninsula, not far from Gothenburg on Sweden’s west coast.
What I enjoy most about the hobby is chasing DX and activating nature reserves through POTA and WWFF. I am one of three POTA administrators in Sweden. The hobby for me is about having fun, making contact with people all over the world, and learning new things.
My shack
My shack is simple and functional, giving me many enjoyable moments at the radio. Here, I am QRV on HF, VHF/UHF, Wires-X, APRS, and Hamshack Hotline. Morse code practice is ongoing.
HF radio: Yaesu FTDX10
Microphone: Heil PR-40
Headset: Heil PRO 7
Amplifier: ACOM 600S
Tuner: AT-600Proll Autotuner
Loop antenna: 80m delta loop
Vertical antenna: DX Commander Classic
VHF/UHF/Wires-X: Yaesu FTM 500, FT5D
Heading out into nature to activate a nature reserve through POTA and WWFF is something I truly enjoy. Lighting a fire while listening to the hum of shortwave noise is pure soul-soothing relaxation.
After each activation, I upload the log to POTA and WWFF, as well as to LoTW and for QSL.
I have assembled a military manpack. The radio, tuner, battery, and antenna are all connected to ensure I can be QRV as quickly as possible.
For the backpack, I use Snigel Design’s Specialist Backpack, designed to serve as a manpack for the Swedish Armed Forces. Inside the backpack, I have a Yaesu 891, FT-50 tuner, 12Ah LiFePo4 battery, all connected to a Chameleon Antennas spike, transformer, SS17, and counterpoise. Everything is fully integrated!
Chameleon Super DX antenna
Experimenting with antennas is always fun. Since I live near the sea, it’s convenient to use vertical antennas when doing POTA and WWFF.
Here, I have connected different parts from Chameleon Antennas, which works very well. I call the antenna Chameleon Super DX antenna
QSL Policy
I upload reglulary (mostly after each QSO) to LoTW and I send QSL card via bureau or direct. See adress on